In this episode of Positively Pedestrian, we discuss everything from simulated stupidity to stretching the imagination, and placebos. We are honing in on the toxicity of believing without evidence. And working to explore the interplay between faith, charisma and science.

“Waste not, want not”

 -- Richard Edwardes

This old saw has its origins from 1576 in, The Paradise of Dainty Devices by Richard Edwardes, a distinguished lyricist and playwright who was rumored to be an illegitimate son of Henry VIII. On page 88 the proverb was written as: "For want is nexte to waste, and shame doeth synne ensue." Information found at

#PositivelyPedestrian #SeanSnodgrass #KrisTyte #Science #Ghost #Faith #Homeopathy #Imagination #Placebo #Nocebo