In this episode of Positively Pedestrian, we discuss pets we had in the past, the names we gave them, and the ups and downs of having pets. Sean talks about being in a mega bass car club and killer sound systems. Then we transition to talking about congress, stocks, and cognitive decline, followed by neurological disorders, depression, and mental health. We finish off by talking about various methods of unliving oneself and encounters with bad roommates of the third kind.

“You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice”

 -- Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson, Neil Peart, Rush

Referenced as a Rush Lyric from their hit song "Tom Sawyer" but the quote is actually from their song "Free Will".

#PositivelyPedestrian #SeanSnodgrass #KrisTyte #Pets #NamingPets #Congress #CognitiveDecline #MentalHealth #Suicide #Roommates